
Below are testimonials from a few of our training and rescue clients. If you would like to contribute your testimonial, please send it to connectingwithk9s@gmail.com. Thank you!

nikki 2“Three year old Nikki update. She came home at only 7 weeks and she was super wild & high strung – obvious now that was too early to leave the litter. Tried a puppy trainer in Coos Bay and after the second class Nikki was “bounced from the kindergarten class’ with a $ refund. I tried a 2 week in house training with a renowned German Shepherd trainer with over 50 years of military & police dog training and then continued with his 10 one hour group training sessions. Nikki was still uncontrollable & very high strung – couldn’t control her on walks and she was impossible in the car. Enter Connecting with K9s. I dropped off a wild animal with Darla. Nikki spent 3 weeks ( spring of 2018 ) for a board and train. It was great being able to watch her progress via the daily video updates that were posted online ( I was at a wedding in Florida and these training videos were a big hit). We also did a 7 week class that following summer. Today Nikki is the German Shepherd she was meant to be. Still sharp and energetic and not at all aggressive. Runs well with dogs she knows and walking on leash is much easier. Surprisingly, our bond has reached the point where she stays close to my side healing OFF leash. We will continue with her socializing and looking forward to whatever new projects Darla puts together at the new location.” 

Steve & Nikki

marleyandgreg“Thank you for all your help with Marley. He is doing well because of everything I have learned from you. You saved the day. Marley has come a long way. He walks well on the leash, no more separation anxiety and listens to commands. When we are out front and he tries to nonchalantly walk away. I just have to say in a calm voice. ” Where are you going?” then he will come back and sit in the garage. Other dogs are still an issue and I know that a lot of it is my fault. I know someday I will get over it, and so he will be able to, too. You have told me he can feel my energy; and that is very true. Thank you again Darla!”

Maria, Greg & Marley

AllisonandJoey“Connecting with K9s was such a Godsend! Before Darla worked with Joey, we couldn’t go on a walk without the fear he may try to nip at strangers, chase after cats or bark at other dogs. After one training session with her, he was able to control himself, walk on a loose leash and was looking to me for guidance and support. The change was phenomenal! Because of the training we received from Darla, Joey was able to be placed in a foster home while I went to training with the Army. Which would not have even been a possibility earlier due to his behavior. Thank you for everything!!”

Allison & Joey